#Separately-Together Series: Share your story!

You have probably heard; distance yourselves from others, wash your hands regularly and stay at home. However, not all this is always possible for persons with disabilities. There are a few concerns as well as added precautions that persons with disabilities, in particular, have to take to keep themselves and their families.

 We are launching a #Separately-Together Series featuring various persons with disabilities sharing their experiences throughout the COVID 19 crisis with the common message that “we are in this together” and “we shall overcome”.  We will also use these stories and experiences to get a better feel of specific concerns and needs of persons with disabilities to be able to advocate together with the disability movement so that persons with disabilities are not left behind and become more vulnerable because of the COVID 19 crisis.

Pilot videos for the series featuring our Disability Inclusion Facilitators have been shot and will soon be available on our Facebook page.

We are calling out for stories from other persons with disabilities on their experiences, challenges, and activities they are doing to keep their hopes and spirits up during this crisis.

To participate, send us a voice note, video or text about your experience on any of our social media platforms.


  • Please state your disability, gender and area you live in when you send your story.
  • Put a face to your story: send a picture of you together with your video, voice note or text.
  • Sending us your story means that you automatically consent to us and our Implementing Partners (NUDIPU, Show Abilities Uganda, RAHU, etc) posting your story or using parts of your story for our communications.
  • We will reach out to you for more information or guide you on certain elements of your production.

Your Story Matters! Let us help you to share it!

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